Get on with it!

You know, these days, the more PUGs in my group, the more content I get done – by which I mean instances and such. I can happily duo quest with any of the guys and it’s quick enough.


As soon as we try to do something 5-man or whatever, it’s constant interruptions. They all take turns to need 10 mins here and 10 mins there and by the time we are done a 20-30 minute dungeon takes 1.5 hours and I could have done like 3 with a pile of pugs.

I love playing with my friends but fuck me it tries my patience to the uttermost limit of my endurance sometimes.

As I write this, I am of course waiting. At the last boss. Which is a 5 min fight. Basically Richard has been mistyping his password over and over and when he copies and pastes it suddenly it works. *grumble*

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