Monthly Archives: May 2014

Closer and closer

Steam pops up, as it does, with all of the pretty shiny things it’s advertising.

Not that I wanted any of them, but it made me think of games I might want and how as time passes I won’t be able to afford stuff like that any more, nor upgrades/repairs for my PC when they are needed.

I’m a gamer, I’ve always been a gamer and over the next year or so, I can only see that part of my life being eaten away, leaving a very large hole.

3 months and counting.

The form for my PIP application landed yesterday. I’ve flicked through it, but I can’t face it at this moment. The world is being all kinds of dark and miserable right now – so dealing with my shit is difficult. Hopefully soon, any of the friends who I am supposed to be doing stuff with today will show up and I can get on with that stuff, which will help distract me.


I suppose it was too much to ask that on day one of the Elite: Dangerous Premium Beta I would have a good gaming experience with it. I think I’ll leave it a couple of days now.

I did manage to get into the space station (the old fashioned rotating one) but couldn’t find reverse so struggled with the landing pad. Once I’d realised how to get my spaceship into reverse gear, the servers started playing up so I still couldn’t really land or do anything good.

Never mind though, it’ll get there.

I’d post this to FB, but some cunt would end up sneering about beta programs and such and frankly I can’t be fucked with it. I’ll enjoy my game in good time and don’t really want to listen to the nay sayers any more.

Still here

One thing that really annoys me about being online (and you know who the fuck you are) is when we are chatting on Teamspeak about whatever and then something shiny appears and distracts you.

If I was in the room you wouldn’t just turn away mid conversation and start talking to somebody else. Or.. I dunno maybe you would. Either way, it’s rude and ignorant. You can’t say “excuse me” or “one moment”. No, you just fuck off and start another conversation with someone else passing by.

When you do return to teamspeak, you’ve inevitably lost interest in whatever it was we were talking about and if I want to make my point, I have to start all over again – not that you generally want to hear it anyway.

What this says to me is that your conversations with me are of little value. It suggests I don’t really exist in your world, other things are way more important than whatever I might have to say, even if I’m answering a question you asked me in the first place.

Just because you can’t see me doesn’t mean I’m not there. That’s part of the point of why we use voice comms so much, it’s to make it that much more personal and friendly.

If you’re not interested in what I’m saying, tell me and I can save my fucking breath. Seriously.

Oh and don’t sigh at me because I get annoyed when you do this.


Yeah, transferring the crap hospital posts from FB over to here is pretty tedious, but really it wants doing. I mean hell, that’s some of my best shit for being a WRITER. Fuck knows. it’s pretty depressing reading to be honest, going back and seeing me all happy and excited at the start, slowing sinking downwards to where I am now.

There’s nothing exciting about this.