Category Archives: Rants

Me sounding off about something, someone, or whatever.

Local elections

So, voting for local elections is often called a waste of time. In my ward the slightly less than 10% who bothered to vote ended up in a dead heat and the candidates had to draw lots.

In some ways one could argue that it’s even more pointless if it comes down to a coin flip anyway. On the other hand it only would have taken one more person to be bothered and we would have had a result.

If I can manage to vote, anyone can manage to vote. Apply for a postal vote you lazy fuckers and you don’t have to even make a special effort.

Change can only be effected by the exercising of our right to vote. The one thing that you can guarantee is that all those with extreme views will vote, so unless you want to be governed by extremists, better get your voice heard and your vote counted.

Still here

One thing that really annoys me about being online (and you know who the fuck you are) is when we are chatting on Teamspeak about whatever and then something shiny appears and distracts you.

If I was in the room you wouldn’t just turn away mid conversation and start talking to somebody else. Or.. I dunno maybe you would. Either way, it’s rude and ignorant. You can’t say “excuse me” or “one moment”. No, you just fuck off and start another conversation with someone else passing by.

When you do return to teamspeak, you’ve inevitably lost interest in whatever it was we were talking about and if I want to make my point, I have to start all over again – not that you generally want to hear it anyway.

What this says to me is that your conversations with me are of little value. It suggests I don’t really exist in your world, other things are way more important than whatever I might have to say, even if I’m answering a question you asked me in the first place.

Just because you can’t see me doesn’t mean I’m not there. That’s part of the point of why we use voice comms so much, it’s to make it that much more personal and friendly.

If you’re not interested in what I’m saying, tell me and I can save my fucking breath. Seriously.

Oh and don’t sigh at me because I get annoyed when you do this.