Closer and closer

Steam pops up, as it does, with all of the pretty shiny things it’s advertising.

Not that I wanted any of them, but it made me think of games I might want and how as time passes I won’t be able to afford stuff like that any more, nor upgrades/repairs for my PC when they are needed.

I’m a gamer, I’ve always been a gamer and over the next year or so, I can only see that part of my life being eaten away, leaving a very large hole.

3 months and counting.

The form for my PIP application landed yesterday. I’ve flicked through it, but I can’t face it at this moment. The world is being all kinds of dark and miserable right now – so dealing with my shit is difficult. Hopefully soon, any of the friends who I am supposed to be doing stuff with today will show up and I can get on with that stuff, which will help distract me.

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