Category Archives: My life

Not all my life fits into neat little compartments.

Furry Monsters

It’s been a hectic couple of weeks, no time to do much of anything whilst getting acquainted with these two new additions to the household.

This is Nyx

and this is Nebula

They are both very affectionate, though Nebula is easily scared and Nyx has a jealousy problem. I am hoping that they will settle down as time passes. They get along essentially well enough, but the quirks of their personalities make it hard for a really happy integration. I was told by the shelter that they were a bonded pair, but I’m not at all convinced. I believe that they did come from the same previous owner, but that’s not quite the same thing.

Nyx has picked up cat flu (FHV) and got herself an eye infection going on, so I’m having to put drops in, a process she is not fond of, but accepts with enough stoicism that it’s easier for both of us, being sorted quickly.

Of course, here is a load of cat pics 🙂

A brief buzz about beekeeping

I’m tempted to write a lot about how I got to here, but it kind of seems a bit irrelevant. I hope future me will forgive present me if I don’t get into it. Rather than rant here, I ranted where the rant needed to be – which is a healthier choice – and the end result was everyone happy, including me, so when I come to look over this, I don’t need to relive it, beyond leaving this small note for future me. Anyone else reading this, must remember that whilst you are welcome to do so, mostly this blog is for me and sometimes what comes out of my brain is what hits the page, however confusing it may be – it’s meaningful to me.

So – moving on to the good stuff. I am happy be finally in the role of assistant bee master general for Lorney’s bees. I’m going to write more about this from time to time, but the current situation is that we have a nuc of extremely sweet and docile bees. Not sure about the queen – we believe we have one, on account of how well behaved the bees are, but no sign of her, or of brood as of yet. 

I’ve got a lot of video and am currently on a learning curve to try and learn some video editing software at which point I’ll be putting up on a youtube channel. I don’t know what the quality will be like, but I guess if I really get into it I’ll be needing a gopro or something.

WBC Hives ready for bees

WBC Hives ready for bees

We have the hives ready, but for now we’re leaving the colony in the nuc until we are a bit more sure about what they are up to and until they are bit more numerous. It was a small swarm and putting them into a big old hive right now might mean they can’t keep warm enough.

Oh… ok, here is a picture of some bees.

Bees at the nuc entrance

Bees at the nuc entrance

Family Life Catchup

A thing I haven’t written about yet is what’s been happening with family over the past couple of years whilst I’ve not been blogging. People say you can’t choose your family. I don’t think that’s true. You can’t choose who you share your genes with, but you can choose who you love and who around you is important to you. So when I think of family it often includes some close and special friends. I’m quite blessed as far as that goes, having both blood relatives and friends I think of in those terms. Not everyone does, not everyone has good friends, not everyone gets along with their genetic family. I have both, but this post is specifically going to be about those with whom I share genes – their spouses may also get a mention, you get the idea.

I’ve drifted apart somewhat from Karen and it’s really a shame. Before I got really sick, I would keep in touch calling her on the way home from work every couple of weeks, but she never called me and still never does. The only time we speak is when I call her. I get cards on my birthday and so on, but it would be nice if she initiated contact once in a while. I realise she has her own family and what have you, but I’m still here, I’m terribly sick and a phone call once in a while isn’t much to ask. The opposite is true, of course, I could call her, but you know – I did, I called and I called and it was always me. I used to visit, then she went to Dubai, she did invite me there once, at short notice and I couldn’t do it, then never asked me again. I did visit again after she got back, but now I’m too sick to travel. To be fair, she did visit me a couple of times last year, but it’s ironic to note that I’ve seen Richard more recently. Sadly a time when I really needed her, she couldn’t be there for me. I’m over it, but it’s hard to forget that her recommendation for what I should do if there’s a next time is call Samaritans. I don’t know how to repair this yet, but I do want to, not that I would call on her if I was having a mental breakdown, but I do love her and miss her and I know that is reciprocated. I think I am just a bit too far down her list of priorities to get a look in.

Contrariwise, I’m in better touch with Dad than I have been for a long time since Mum passed away. I put this down to Maureen’s influence as much as anything. She is, I think, the correct person to fill the gap in Dad’s life – previous incumbents having failed in various ways to make the grade. It’s nice to be closer to the old man, we speak more often on the phone and I exchange email with Maureen from time to time. She has her own mental problems and it’s nice to share with someone who has a better understanding than those who have never experience the darker things the mind can throw at you. I hope I help too in a small way from time to time.

Uncle Robert. Bob. Well, here I am the one who should do better at keeping in touch. Especially now with Grandma gone, he’s living alone and not used to it. I’ve lived alone for a long time and struggle to share even when someone comes to visit for a week or two, but imagine that suddenly being alone is hard. I’m pleased that he is doing charity work and has mates in the RAF club and so on, but yes – I should do better and call him more.

Which then leads up to the newest additions to my little clan. Carly Jade, or CJ, as she is better known. This would be my half first cousin once removed, if you can get your head around that, being the grand-daughter of my uncle Tony, my Dad’s half brother.
CJ introduced herself to me, a couple of years ago[1] with a message on facebook where she said she thought she was my cousin and saying hello. Now normally I can’t be doing with random messages from folk on facebook, but I decided to verify the claim and we did indeed turn out to be related, so I didn’t blow her off like I might have otherwise done. We got to chatting and I discovered a troubled young lady with a lot of problems. She had personality issues and social problems. A semi homeless girl with an attitude to rules somewhere between ignorant and defiant. Though a lot of her problems were caused by factors beyond her control, certainly she wasn’t doing herself any favours and was in real danger of ending up back on the streets, hanging on by a thread to a hostel place. That’s the negative. The positive was beneath the surface, she genuinely had both a need to give, and to receive some love and this is where our relationship began. I don’t want to detail the sometimes rocky road that CJ has travelled since then. It’s not always been pretty and on occasion I’ve been really pissed off, her choices not always the most sensible. Still, I tried to give her some love and to be family for her, a thing that (and this makes me mad) her side of the family couldn’t or wouldn’t do. It’s amazing that she now identifies more with my immediate relatives than hers. Really, all she needed was a helping hand and some unconditional love. I’m proud of myself to have been the one who gave it to her. I’m proud of her for how far she has come with that help. She’s now living with her son Kairo [2] in a house of her own (well rented, but anyway) and as many single mums do (not getting into the Dad situation) fighting with the social to get the right benefits and such. I hope I am a decent coach for getting through the DWP bureaucracy, because it’s a complete bloody minefield. CJ has a ways to go in order to really get her life on track, but at least she’s got a family now who give a shit and to be quite honest, in many ways, that’s all she ever needed.

[1] I can’t really remember how long, I’d say somewhere between 4-6 years, I could look it up if I could be arsed.
[2] Kairo Cepheus Stefan Augustus Burke – Why yes, he is named after me.  Yes, I am happy.

And here’s the catchup…

It has been a while hasn’t it. So here’s the plan. I’m going to have one or more of my electronic devices pester me once a week or something in order to get some kind of regularity in posting here. Even if it’s just a couple of sentences. Maybe sometimes I will do more.

This week I’ll try and post a few things, where I am with my games, my health and other stuff, in their appropriate categories.

Right now, time is ticking on and I’ve just spent several hours migrating this blog/website from one server to another and installing a whole collection of upgrades, so this is all I’m writing for now and the rest can come out as and when.

Long arse day

It’s partly the insomnia, partly the drugs and partly a hopelessly screwed up sleep schedule which inevitably means I didn’t get to sleep at a reasonable hour in order to get up and see my psychologist this morning. As it happens I made it there anyway.

Being honest, part of that might have been I needed to get to the chemist to pick up some codeine and I did that on the way back, but it does seem that booking a taxi well in advance does help motivate me to get my shit together – so 10 minutes before the taxi was due to arrive I got up.

Friend texted me on the way home. He was having a shitty time, so did my best to help out. I was pleased to be able to pay forward some of the help I get, but it did keep me from my post headshrinking nap, which was to buffer me as Carl was popping over for a cuppa after work and I did need some sleep. Well, I guess I got another hour or so in the end.

After that, I got another couple of hours before it was time to get up and take my pills. So it’s been a long day with disjointed sleep and my eyes are scratchy and I am heading in the direction of having a headache. Time to go to bed for a more extended session I think (and hope to succeed).

I have decided to move the day for my methotrexate. Poison day will henceforth take place on Sunday. This is so that I’m not knocked out all weekend and just maybe will feel well enough once in a while to get to a pub with some mates. I am pretty determined to manage to get to Dave & Ronnie’s do on Saturday.

A long time waiting

I stopped writing on here. A long time ago.

I was ill one day at work, which shows how long ago it actually was – and wrote a rant about how ill I was feeling. Boss saw it and wasn’t particularly pleased, so for a fair while I felt that I really couldn’t write here for fear of what the repercussions would be.

Of course I’m not working now and so things are different in that regard. No hard feelings either mate, if you happen to read this.

So maybe I’ll post a few thoughts here once again. Or maybe this is a one off. We’ll see I guess.


Chap is coming from the estate agent’s to make sure I’ve not trashed the place. The amount of cleaning I can be arsed to do is becoming less and less as the minutes tick by.

Well, he’s here to assess damage isn’t he? Not dirt. Fuck him 🙂


Yeah, transferring the crap hospital posts from FB over to here is pretty tedious, but really it wants doing. I mean hell, that’s some of my best shit for being a WRITER. Fuck knows. it’s pretty depressing reading to be honest, going back and seeing me all happy and excited at the start, slowing sinking downwards to where I am now.

There’s nothing exciting about this.