Monthly Archives: June 2014

Days like these

I am at work.

I don’t want to be. I feel sick and my shoulder hurts – but I can’t afford to lose the wages.

I have to stick out 6 more hours. Telling myself I can manage that, though all I want to do is go home and go to bed.

Metal bashers across the back are playing some horrendous thumpthump music at maximum volume and that is adding to my misery.  Also, I think my fentanyl patch is running on fumes even though it should have another 8-9 hours in it.

Summary, I feel especially shit in almost all possible ways.


For the betterment of the human race.

Started playing Ingress to try to get out a bit and get a modicum of exercise. I am a level 2 agent.

Holmewood now belongs to me, with a field all the way up to Sticker Lane, even if I did have to use my link amp to get it to connect.

At lunchtime, it’s time for Batley. I am going to splat the blue portal at the , that will be fun, then tie up all the other easily accessible portals into a lovely green field.

I get the impression neither of these areas are well frequented, so if I can just keep them maintained, I might be able to farm the shit out of them – which would be nice.

My GP surgery sucks

All they had to do was organise one injection. How hard is that?

Instead, fuck knows when I will get it, I’m sposed to be seeing my consultant next week – I swear to God he is the only one who actually gets the urgency of my situation. Meanwhile everyone else is fucking plodding along like fuck all matter.

I need this bastard injection to prove (or disprove) the usefulness of steroid treatment for my sarcoid. It’s completely ridiculous. I will now I guess have to rebook my appointment to see consultant and who knows how long it will be to get to see him now? I guess if I speak direct to his secretary I may well get more joy.

Feeling really messed about and poorly done by.


Chap is coming from the estate agent’s to make sure I’ve not trashed the place. The amount of cleaning I can be arsed to do is becoming less and less as the minutes tick by.

Well, he’s here to assess damage isn’t he? Not dirt. Fuck him 🙂

Get on with it!

You know, these days, the more PUGs in my group, the more content I get done – by which I mean instances and such. I can happily duo quest with any of the guys and it’s quick enough.


As soon as we try to do something 5-man or whatever, it’s constant interruptions. They all take turns to need 10 mins here and 10 mins there and by the time we are done a 20-30 minute dungeon takes 1.5 hours and I could have done like 3 with a pile of pugs.

I love playing with my friends but fuck me it tries my patience to the uttermost limit of my endurance sometimes.

As I write this, I am of course waiting. At the last boss. Which is a 5 min fight. Basically Richard has been mistyping his password over and over and when he copies and pastes it suddenly it works. *grumble*