I’m tempted to write a lot about how I got to here, but it kind of seems a bit irrelevant. I hope future me will forgive present me if I don’t get into it. Rather than rant here, I ranted where the rant needed to be – which is a healthier choice – and the end result was everyone happy, including me, so when I come to look over this, I don’t need to relive it, beyond leaving this small note for future me. Anyone else reading this, must remember that whilst you are welcome to do so, mostly this blog is for me and sometimes what comes out of my brain is what hits the page, however confusing it may be – it’s meaningful to me.
So – moving on to the good stuff. I am happy be finally in the role of assistant bee master general for Lorney’s bees. I’m going to write more about this from time to time, but the current situation is that we have a nuc of extremely sweet and docile bees. Not sure about the queen – we believe we have one, on account of how well behaved the bees are, but no sign of her, or of brood as of yet.
I’ve got a lot of video and am currently on a learning curve to try and learn some video editing software at which point I’ll be putting up on a youtube channel. I don’t know what the quality will be like, but I guess if I really get into it I’ll be needing a gopro or something.
We have the hives ready, but for now we’re leaving the colony in the nuc until we are a bit more sure about what they are up to and until they are bit more numerous. It was a small swarm and putting them into a big old hive right now might mean they can’t keep warm enough.
Oh… ok, here is a picture of some bees.