Monthly Archives: June 2019

Furry Monsters

It’s been a hectic couple of weeks, no time to do much of anything whilst getting acquainted with these two new additions to the household.

This is Nyx

and this is Nebula

They are both very affectionate, though Nebula is easily scared and Nyx has a jealousy problem. I am hoping that they will settle down as time passes. They get along essentially well enough, but the quirks of their personalities make it hard for a really happy integration. I was told by the shelter that they were a bonded pair, but I’m not at all convinced. I believe that they did come from the same previous owner, but that’s not quite the same thing.

Nyx has picked up cat flu (FHV) and got herself an eye infection going on, so I’m having to put drops in, a process she is not fond of, but accepts with enough stoicism that it’s easier for both of us, being sorted quickly.

Of course, here is a load of cat pics 🙂

Every which way is wrong

Okay. I am fed up. 

My hip is hurting. One might say it’s the wrong hip, but you know, I just don’t give a shit any more. I have a traditionally bad leg, but right now it’s the other one, with a pain in the hip, running down my leg to the knee.

Doesn’t much matter if I lay on it, or off it, or bent or straight, tonight I am laying in bed having big pain.

Annoyingly there is the possibility that tomorrow might be an important bee day, as we have to move the bees into the hive soon. Let’s hope it happens later in the week, as I don’t want to miss it.