Monthly Archives: April 2019

Three years of unreported sarc

I really ought to write this stuff more. I’m going to try. Three years have passed and I’ve singularly failed to record any of the changes there have been in my body, mind, soul. I’m hardly likely to be able to go back over and see how I’ve improved, or degraded in that time without a sensible record and so very much has happened – well, I mean three years nearly, duh!

I can see that the last time I wrote about it being poison day and being generally displeased with that fact, having an expectation I’d be taking the methotrexate indefinitely and rather morbidly contemplating the possibilities of not taking it (and maybe dying) or taking it and being forever miserably sick.

It’s nice that I can report, that in fact, neither of those things came to pass. My blood counts recovered sufficiently that I was, after all, able to stop taking methotrexate and not die. In fact I have been off the MTX for, well long enough that I’d have to check the records, so I guess more than a year. I’m still taking prednisolone, but at least I don’t have the weekly poison day to get over. People laughably talk about hump day – how little they know.

My mental health isn’t much better. I’ve seen psychiatrists and psychologists and I’m a bit more stable I guess. I’ve been on a new drug regime for a year now, taking duloxetine and though the first couple of weeks adjusting to the new medication was hellish, once the switch clicked (and it was very much like that) I’ve been a lot better. Unfortunately over Christmas I got sick and was unable to meet some appointments, so I am now “between” psychologists. Not sure where I go from here, but as I’m pretty solid at the moment I think I suck it and see.

Last August I had an injection into my sacrimal joint to see if this would help my leg pain. The boys at LGI wanted me to get a second opinion so I duly went to the Leeds pain clinic. Being as I was going there, the Dewsbury clinic had to discharge me, which I quite understand. Trouble is, the Leeds people never followed up on anything, so here I am near on a year later with no pain consultant at all. I’m not happy. I’d like to talk about a way of reducing or eliminating the fentanyl, ideally with the least possible side effects, but I want a proper pain consultant to talk to about it.

So, I’m due to see the sarc doctors on 8th May. I’ve been having a bit of trouble with breathing, like taking a breath and there wasn’t enough air in it, nor the next breath or the next. A couple of nights ago I woke up and the air was like syrup, trying to get it into my lungs a real struggle. Good job they are chest guys and I can moan at them about it. I will also see if they will refer me straight back to Dewsbury, where they were looking after me for pain stuff.

Voice pack upgrades

I use a set of voice controls for playing Elite. I can manage without (though for lack of use I do, once in a while forget which button does some obscure task). It’s a convenience. Why I actually have to justify this shit is beyond me, but some people get really upset about anyone using any kind of driver aid. FDev have released a new ship’s autopilot thing in the latest update and people are all salty about that too. Anyway, I use this voice control thing, using a paid for set of profiles for the Voice Attack software.

The voice packs are from a company called HCS and they often feature famous actors from sci-fi and other things. Thus I can nerd out by having Tom Baker, or Bill Shatner or various others (actually Brian Blessed is a personal favourite) being the voice of my ship’s computer. Oh yes. I’ll even take the nasally sarcasm of Eli (played by John de Lancie) telling me what a waste of humanity I am for the complete geek value. Also it makes flying the ship a bit easier (and I’m lazy).

Now, once in a while, often coinciding with a big update in the game (as has just happened) a new release of the voice pack profiles is made to allow for the changes to the game. That happened today. I downloaded it, and asked it to restore my settings from the previous release.

At this point it shat itself and I rolled my eyes. Originally HCS were all about the fact they recorded the famous actors and you were really paying for that. The voice attack profiles that made it run were a bit rough and ready, given out “as is” and you could tweak them. These days, they’ve made the profile into a closed source plugin and it’s increasingly difficult to get under the bonnet. That’s fine, but if you’re going to release it as a piece of polished software, then please can it fucking work. It seems like every time they do this, I’m left scratching my head wondering how to fix the thing that didn’t quite work in the upgrade procedure. This time it was the voice triggers. It *should* have done a nice conversion from the old format to the new. Instead it (as it turned out) inserted a ton of new lines, without removing the now superfluous old ones.

Well, by the time I had actually worked out what was going on, whilst moaning at tech support, one of the devs had arrived on the discord channel and fixed up my voice triggers. I am pretty sure I had already sorted it, but was happy to let him check it over and make sure it was now correct. The thing of it is, how can I have been the only one, the dev even thanked me for helping him find the problem. Did they not QA someone wanting to transfer custom voice triggers from one version to the next? Wasted a ton of time when I could have been flying my space ship about. Well, hopefully there won’t be another update in a while and just maybe, next time it will “just work”, but I hold out little hope.

WordPress shenanigans

Apparently at some point in a recent wordpress update, the postmeta table has got itself into some bizarre state where it no longer deals with latest and oldest posts in sensible order. I’ve had to manually frick them to get the links to work in a manner one might expect and still it’s not ideal, in as much as “latest post” goes to “latest posts” (subtle but different). Another job on the list.

Speaking of which, as I’ve been doing a variety of stuff of late connected to what might once have been described as “work”, I’ll institute this category. Gives me another thing to fill up with stuff I’ve been up to over the past while.

And here’s the catchup…

It has been a while hasn’t it. So here’s the plan. I’m going to have one or more of my electronic devices pester me once a week or something in order to get some kind of regularity in posting here. Even if it’s just a couple of sentences. Maybe sometimes I will do more.

This week I’ll try and post a few things, where I am with my games, my health and other stuff, in their appropriate categories.

Right now, time is ticking on and I’ve just spent several hours migrating this blog/website from one server to another and installing a whole collection of upgrades, so this is all I’m writing for now and the rest can come out as and when.